Our story

Welcome all!

We're proud to announce the launching of our local family-owned business named Cuyah!®

For the Jamaicans among us, the word 'Cuyah,' should ignite a feeling of familiarity and heritage, but for those of you who don't know what 'Cuyah' means, it's a fun word loosely translated from Jamaican pat-wah, meaning, "Look at this!"

After moving to Margate from London in 2004, we've focused on family life, but have now decided to market our Sorrel and Ginger beer under our brand name, Cuyah!®.

We are a family of Jamaicans and British born, whose story started back in Jamaica - where we observed our grandparents making Sorrel and Ginger beer as a treat during the Christmas and Easter holidays. Always helping out in the kitchen, this is where our experience and recipes originated and the same recipes have been used to this day, upholding the legacy that has been passed down to us.

Whilst living in London we continued the tradition of making Sorrel and Ginger beer, offering friends and family members who enjoyed the taste, and encouraged us to bring the products to market.

The business is very much in its infancy. However, we have started out with 2 classic beverages in true Jamaican fashion:

If you wish to find out more about our products and how they are made, please click here.

Our vision is big concerning the Cuyah!® brand, thus more products can be expected to be available soon!